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停电预防_ABB输配电解决方案!世界上的停电事件使人们对电力传输系统可靠性产生了担心。作为世界电力技术的领导者,ABB 提供预防停电的可持续解决方案。ABB为其用户提供所有工业用最为齐备的输配电产品 ... 作为世界电力技术的领导者,ABB 提供预防停电的可持续解决方案。Power outages around the world have fed concerns about the reliability of power transmission systems. As the world leader in power technologies, ABB offers sustainable solutions to preventing a blackout. This portal provides easy access to information about ABBs power products and its expertise in blackout prevention, grid reliability, power transmission systems as well as other power products and services offered.
  1. 2009/11/20
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