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ABB,什么是质量What's Quality?

什么是质量What's Quality?!离散自动化与运动控制-电机与发电机

  1. 2014/4/28
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福禄克fluke Fluke 700 SW DPC/TRACK 软件操作方法
Fluke-700SW DPC/TRACK software includes an instrumentation data-base that makes it easy to manage your instrumentation, create and schedule tests, load and unload the 743, print a variety of standard reports, and manage calibration data. DPC/TRACK is available in English, French, German, Spanish, and Italian. Print standard reports automatically. The software assembles pre-formatted reports from your database files, saving time and reducing errors. Reports include calibration certificates, instruments due for calibration, inventory characteristics, calibration histories, calibration procedures, and traceability to instruments touched. User-defined lists enable technicians to select reasons for work, problems found, and actions taken from lists you define. These lists work with your application software to automatically generate a complete record of calibration results and actions that can fulfill documentation requirements for ISO-9000 and other quality regulations. 型号名称描述 700SW DPC/TRACK 软件
  1. 2012/11/12
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机器人已被证明能够在一个多种应用多种益处。 Manufacturers introducing robots to their production processes have typically seen a significant transformation in their productivity and efficiency.机器人制造商介绍他们的生产工序通常发生在他们的生产力和效率的重大转变。 The International Federation of Robotics recently undertook a survey that identified the top 10 reasons that manufacturers invest in robots.在国际机器人联合会最近进行了一个确定的10大理由机器人制造商在投资调查。 ABB has now built on that survey and developed a Guide to help you better understand the "10 good reasons for investing in robots" with real-life case studies from companies and integrators who exemplify each one of the reasons. ABB公司现已建立在该项调查,并制定了指南,帮助您更好地了解“10机器人的投资与现实生活的公司和系统集成体现每个谁的原因之一案例研究”的理由。 The 10 good reasons 10个很好的理由 They range from reducing operating costs, improving product quality and consistency, as well as the quality of work for employees, to increasing production output rates, product manufacturing flexibility and reducing material waste and increasing yield.它们的范围从降低运营成本,提高产品质量和一致性,以及对员工的工作质量,以期提高生产产出率,产品的制造灵活性和减少材料浪费和增加产量。
  1. 2009/11/30
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Opto 22 Worldwide QualityQuality Support _第三届PAC高峰论坛上海站
2008年8月20日,由中国工控网主办的第三届中国PAC应用高峰论坛第二站移师上海,在建国宾馆顺利举办。美国Opto 22公司中国区首席代表俞涛首先对Opto 22公司进行了简单的介绍。美国Opto 22公司因其优良的产品质量和完善的售后服务在全世界享有盛誉。经过34年科技创新的历程,它已成为SSR、I/O、控制系统及软件技术的领先者,拥有众多的工业界第一。 其次,他表达出了Opto 22全力支持中国业务的意愿。接着,他深入分析了SNAP PAC 系统。SNAP PAC最新特性有安全策略分发 (SSD)、控制系统冗余、Ethernet/IP 协议支持以及DNP集成套件。Opto 22 PAC在世界范围内的搂宇自动化控制、先进的过程自动化控制、集成IT技术的生产管理系统中都得到了广泛的应用。查看全文
  1. 2008/9/9
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